DoIt User Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started
  3. Quick Start
  4. Features
  5. FAQ
  6. Command Summary

1. Introduction

1.1 About DoIt

Do you have problem organising your life? Stop procrastinating and use DoIt !!!

DoIt is a personal task management software that helps you to organise your task by providing an overview of the different tasks that you may have at a glance

DoIt is simple to use as all functions can be executed with just a single line of command meaning that you will only need a keyboard to fully navigate this software

1.2 Terminologies Used

Here are some terminologies used in this user guide:

2. Getting Started

Figure 1 : Main GUI

3. Quick Start

Visual Walkthrough

  1. Figure 2 shows DoIt with a few tasks added
    Figure 2 : Example of a GUI Instance

  2. DoIt has 3 columns “Deadline”, “Event” and “Anytime”
    • The “Deadline” Column shows you tasks which have to be completed by a certain deadline
    • The “Event” Column shows you events that take place between a certain time period
    • The “Anytime” Column shows you floating tasks which can be completed anytime
  3. You can type a command in the command box at the bottom and press Enter to execute it
    e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window

  4. Here are some sample commands that you may try:
    • help : Displays help prompt
    • add completeUserGuide e/28-Feb-2017 23:59 d/description p/high #Important
      Adds a task named completeUserGuide to the task manager
    • delete3 : Deletes the third task shown in the UI
    • help : Displays help prompt
    • exit : Exits the app
  5. You can refer to the Features section below for the details of each command

4. Features

Command Format

Syntax used to differentiate command types:

4.1 Getting Help : help

Not sure where to start? Enter help to view the help window as shown in Figure 3 below:

Figure 3: Help window popup

Format: help Keyboard Shortcut: [F1]

4.2 Adding an task: add

If you have an task you want DoIt to track, add it! Enter add into the command box followed by the relevant parameters. You can refer below for the correct format of the parameters



4.3 Undoing the Previous Commands : undo

Made a mistake? No worries, you can undo your previous commands up to 10 times by typing undo into the command box

Format: undo Keyboard Shortcut: [Control-Z]

4.4 Redoing the Undone Commands : redo

Want to redo what you have undone? Fear not as you can redo what you have previously undone up multiple times by typing redo into the command box
Format: redo Keyboard Shortcut: [Control-Y]

4.5 Editing an task : edit

Want to edit an existing task? Well you can do so by typing edit followed by the task index number into the command box



4.6 Finding all tasks Containing any Keywords in Their Names, Priority, Description and Tags: find

Need to find a specific task? Use the find command to get what you are looking for. Just type find followed by a keyword into the command box

Format: find[n/NAME...][s/STARTTIME...][e/ENDTIME...][p/PRIORITY...][d/DESCRIPTION...][t/TAG...]


4.7 Viewing all uncompleted tasks: list

Want to see all the tasks you have yet to complete? Simply type list to clear all find filters

Format: list

4.8 Marking specified tasks from DoIt as completed: mark

Completed a task? Celebrate by marking it as done on DoIt by typing mark followed by the task index into the command box

Format: markINDEX


4.9 Viewing completed tasks: done

Sometimes it’s good to look back on our past achievements. This can be accomplished by typing done into the command box

Format: done

4.10 Marking tasks as uncompleted: unmark

Want to mark a completed task as uncompleted? First display all completed task using done and type unmark followed by the task index displayed into the command box

Format: unmarkINDEX


4.11 Deleting specified tasks from DoIt: delete

Have an task that is not needed anymore? Delete it from DoIt by typing delete followed by the task indexes or range of index into the command box

Format: deleteINDEX... and deleteSTARTINDEX-ENDINDEX


4.12 Clearing all entries : clear

Want to start afresh? Type clear into the command box to erase all entries from DoIt

Format: clear


4.13 Sorting tasks by name, priority, start time or end time : sort

Want to control what you see first in the list? You can do so by sorting through priority, deadline or start time
Format: sortSORT_CHOICE


4.14 Setting a customized command word : set

Want to set your own command shortcuts? DoIt allows this by typing set into the command box followed by the old command and the new command to reference it

Default commands are not deleted when you set a new command Default commands refer to those in section 4.1 to 4.15 of this user guide OLD_COMMAND can be default commands or commands you have set previously NEW_COMMAND set will all be converted to lower case this is to allow all commands to be case-insensitive.


4.15 Specifying the filename and location for data saving : save

Saves the data into a specified filename and location

Format: saveFILE_PATH/FILE_NAME.xml


4.16 Loading of data from the specified the file: load

Loads the data from specified filename and location

Format: loadFILE_PATH/FILE_NAME.xml


4.17 Exiting the program : exit

Want to exit the program? Type exit into the command box
Format: exit

4.18 Saving local data

Program data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually

4.19 Input stack for efficiency

Keyboard Shortcuts:[Up] and [Down]

Do you find typing again and again a similar command tedious? Just press [Up] and [Down] on the keyboard to u can scroll through the inputs you have previously used. They are automatically filled into the command box for you so you do not have to retype them. This make it easier for you since you only have to make minor changes for similar command inputs

5. FAQ

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous DoIt folder

6. Command Summary

Command Parameters Result Example
add TASKNAME s/START DATE e/END DATE [p/PRIORITY] [#TAG]… Adds a task under “Event” add finishCS3230Lab s/01-Mar-17 e/01-Mar-17 p/med t/CS3230
add TASKNAME e/END DATE [p/PRIORITY] [t/TAG]… Adds a task under “Deadline” add completeUserGuide d/28-Feb-2017 2400 p/high t/Important
add TASKNAME [p/PRIORITY] [#TAG]… Adds a task under “Anytime” add reachDiamondRank p/low t/Overwatch
clear   Deletes all tasks from DoIT clear
delete INDEX… Deletes task at the specified indexes delete 3 2 4
delete STARTINDEX-ENDINDEX Deletes task at the specified index range delete 2-10
done   Displays all completed tasks done
edit INDEX [TASKNAME] [s/START TIME] [e/END TIME] [p/PRIORITY] [#TAG]… Edits existing task with new details edit 1 Homework s/9pm e/11pm p/high t/CS1010
exit   Exits DoIt exit
find KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS] Display tasks that match the keywords find n/MA1101R assignment p/med
help   Opens the help window help
Shortcut: [F1]
list   Lists all uncompleted tasks list
mark INDEX Marks task at specified index as completed mark 20
redo   Redo previously undone command redo
Keyboard Shortcut: [ctrl-y]
save FILE_PATH/FILE_NAME.xml Saves DoIt’s data at specified location and in specified file save folder1/savefile.xml
save C:/Users/USER/savefile.xml
select INDEX Select a task and display its details select 4
sort SORT_CHOICE Sort tasks by name, priority, end time , start time sort name
sort priority
sort end time
sort start time
set OLD_COMMAND NEW_COMMAND Customizes command words set delete del
set del -
load FILE_PATH/FILE_NAME.xml Loads an existing DoIt’s data at specified location and in specified file load folder1/savefile.xml
load C:/Users/USER/savefile.xml
undo   Undo previous command undo
Keyboard Shortcut: [ctrl-z]
unmark INDEX Marks task at specified index as uncompleted unmark 6